Find the right medical services locally, regionally across Africa and internationally by simply searching on our platform.
We know that finding the right doctor or healthcare service can be frustrating. At My 1Health, we enable patients to access the right medical specialists, the right medical services, and the right medical treatments; locally, regionally across Africa, and internationally.
My 1Health is transforming the way people access healthcare services, starting in Africa.
Need to see a doctor or get medical treatment? Don't spend hours researching who to see or where to go. Simply search and book an in-person appointment, a video consultation or prebook a medical package.
We work with hundreds of leading doctors, clinics and hospitals around Africa and internationally to ensure patients have an easier time when seeking healthcare.
Why list your medical practice with us? My 1Health offers you the most efficient way to grow your medical practice, increase your brand awareness and reach more patients online.
We also offer a full-service medical management system to digitise your practice and increase patient engagement.
Local, regional and international visits facilitated
Active medical professionals, clinics and hospitals
Countries across Africa where we have assisted patients to get medical treatment
Medical professionals using OneMed Pro
Easily find and book an appointment with leading doctors and medical facilities.
Book an online video consultation with leading specialists, anywhere, anytime.
Do you need your medical case reviewed? Get a remote second medical opinion from qualified medical specialists without needing to travel.
Get the most cost-effective healthcare at the convenience of your home, office, or hotel.
Need to travel for overseas for medical treatment? We work with some of the world's leading hospitals to ensure you get the right international medical treatment.
Save time and money by booking tailor made comprehensive medical packages for you and your family.
We have received tons of love from patients and doctors who have used My 1Health. We were awarded Best Healthtech Company in Africa (2022) by the Global Startup Awards and we couldn't be happier, all thanks to you!