Undergoing IVF can be quite daunting for couples and individuals who have not tried it before.
Before beginning your IVF, you need to ask your fertility doctor the following questions:
- What’s the clinic or hospital’s IVF success rate?
- What’s the clinic or hospital’s live birth success rate per year?
- What’s the clinic or hospital’s pregnancy success rate per embryo transfer?
- How many live births are multiples?
- Do you allow for gender/sex selection?
Key Takeaways
1. The cost of IVF may vary from facility to facility, the kind of procedure and the cause of infertility.
2. While undergoing IVF, you are advised not to smoke or drink alcohol until the child is born.
3. You'll visit your fertility specialist for ongoing blood tests after a successful IVF.
Below are 10 common questions about IVF:
1. What is In Vitro Fertilization
In vitro fertilization (IVF) is an assistive reproductive technology (ART) that involves fertilizing mature eggs with sperm in a lab.
2. What is the cost of IVF?
The cost of IVF may vary from facility to facility, the kind of procedure, and the cause of infertility.
IVF costs in Kenya start from 430,000 KES to 480,000 for self-cycle IVF and donor egg IVF, respectively.

3. Should we have genetic testing?
Yes. IVF provides pre-implantation genetic diagnosis to determine the presence of any abnormal genes and avoids complications.
READ: What are the 6 Benefits of IVF
4. When should I seek IVF?
You should seek IVF when you and your partner have been diagnosed with the following:
- Poor egg quality
- Low sperm count
- Endometriosis
- Uterine fibroids
- Unexplained infertility
- Blocked or damaged fallopian tubes
5. How long does IVF take?
The procedure takes 4 to 6 weeks before egg retrieval, and the embryo(s) implantation period takes between 2 to 5 days afterwards.
READ: Infertility; Causes, Diagnosis, and Treatment
6. What is the IVF success rate in Kenya?
Kenya's IVF success rate is high at 70 to 80 % of women under 35.
7. What are the don'ts while undergoing IVF?
While undergoing IVF, you are advised not to:
- Smoke
- Drink alcohol not until the child is born
- Engage in vigorous exercise
- Take herbal supplements
- Take any prescription or over-the-counter medications without informing your doctor

8. How long before I can try again if I’m not successful?
You will need to wait for between four and six weeks, although there is no limit to how often you can try IVF.
READ: What You Need to Know About Fertility
9. Are there any negative effects of IVF?
Yes. Here are some of the common side effects of IVF may include:
- Nausea and vomiting
- Hot flashes
- Headaches
- Enlargement of their ovaries
- Abdominal pain
- Bruising from IVF injections
- Constipation
- Bloating
- Cramping
- Breast tenderness
- Spotting
10. After a successful IVF, what next?
You'll visit your fertility specialist for ongoing blood tests and an ultrasound to verify that the pregnancy develops normally.
You will be sent to an obstetrician for the remainder of your pregnancy once the foetus’s heartbeat has been confirmed.
Are you in need of IVF? Or do you have questions concerning fertility treatment? Talk to a patient support specialist and get your questions and concerns addressed.